2-1. Forest data monitoring

2-1. Forest data monitoring

3. Building and operating a sub-national forest monitoring system

1. Approach’s Outline and features This approach involves formulating a forest-monitoring system by synthesizing a forest stratification map and forest inventory data with a system involving time series analysis of maps and data on a sub-national level. While engaging in this approach, the staff having acquired the skills to interpret the satellite data, conduct the field survey and analyze the data, were able to formulate a forest distribution map capable of serving as basic information for RED...
2-1. Forest data monitoring

4. Establishing a robust national forest inventory utilizing forest GIS database

1. Approach’s Outline and Features This approach aims to establish forest inventory methods while mapping the forest distribution and develop a forest GIS database as part of a National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS). The first forest distribution map (as of 2015) was prepared as baseline information for the NFMS and a forest GIS database system containing it was designed and developed as a core engine of the NFMS. Using the analytical function of the forest GIS database, 640 random permanent f...
2-1. Forest data monitoring

5. Building a system to monitor logging concessions

1. Approach’s Outline and Features A model for monitoring logging concessions was formulated in accordance with a national forest resource monitoring system and in conjunction with the forest inventory.The approach confirmed applying a logging concession monitoring system using a combination of medium- to high-resolution satellite data and drones would be an effective and efficient method of extracting changes in the target areas. Keywords Logging concession, National forest inventory, PDCA cycl...
2-1. Forest data monitoring

6. SFM using a Fire Early Warning System in sub-Saharan Africa

1. Approach’s Outline and Features This approach involves introducing how to monitor arid/semi-arid wildland fires through a Fire Early Warning System, which equips a region-specific Fire Danger Index (FDI) in sub-Saharan Africa and help manage forest and grassland resources sustainably. In sub-Saharan Africa, wildland fires can normally be spotted burning in the region each year from around April onwards. However, they tend to expand and intensify starting in August, fueled by dried-out vegetat...
2-1. Forest data monitoring

7. Establishing a Forest Reference Emission Level for Policymakers

1. Approach’s Outline and Features This approach aims to propose a quantitative evaluation methodology of the applicability of the Emission Reduction Scenario (ERS) and introduce how to design a Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL), focusing on the agricultural sector as the main driver of deforestation for policymakers. A landscape approach is used to develop a FREL, which is a concept for achieving social, economic and environmental goals on land where productive uses such as agriculture com...